Quelles compagnies aériennes acceptent le site Mountain Buggy nano  comme bagage à main ?

Quelles compagnies aériennes acceptent le site Mountain Buggy nano comme bagage à main ?

nano has been specifically designed to make travelling that much easier for parents. With its lightweight size of 5.9kg (which complies with most major airlines that have a carry on limit of 7kg), and carefully compact size that does not compromise the overall Mountain Buggy performance, nano has already successfully travelled around the world with no problems passing through many check ins (in fact, we know that some of the stricter airlines have actually welcomed nano, and have asked for the passenger to demo the wonderful fold for them at check in!).

Bien que nous comprenions que les clients vérifient en ligne auprès des différentes compagnies aériennes les dimensions de leurs bagages à main (car malheureusement les limites de taille varient d'une compagnie à l'autre), il n'y a absolument aucun risque que nano ne rentre pas dans les compartiments supérieurs. C'est vraiment à la discrétion de la compagnie aérienne qui travaille ce jour-là, d'autoriser ce qui peut être emporté à bord.

A tip is to turn up at the check in or airbridge counter fully prepared. If you can, have nano already packed into the included travel satchel with the wheels neatly tucked away. You can always unpack again while you're getting through the duty-free shops!

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