My background as a nanny has helped shape who I am today, and has allowed me to learn loads of tips and tricks on parenting, which will become helpful to me in the FAAAAR future! But for now, I hope it'll be helpful to you now. Whether you are a first-time parent, parent of twins or of multiple, a nanny, or just wanting some more advice on anything at all, I am here to help. 🖤
As well as childcare, I have a strong background in fashion and beauty, so you will find a sprinkle of these interests of mine throughout my blogs! To start, I will briefly dive into the beginning of my nannying journey. I have many stories to tell, so you will have to stay tuned for those! 😄
When I was 14, my Mum had sat me and my sister down and told us she was expecting a baby with my stepdad. I was over the moon excited! Once my littlest sister was born, I wanted to help my parents in every way I could. From feeding, to burping, to rocking her to sleep and even help change nappies! I was so in love, that all I could think about during the day at school, was coming home to see my littlest sister. She is now 8 years old and to this day I have this very strong connection with her. (FUN FACT: she is currently our Mountain Buggy® haven™ car seat model!)
Once I had graduated high school, I found myself moving to Wellington to study theatre. While I was studying, I needed to find a job. I applied for endless retail jobs but none of them stuck. Until I decided to apply for an ‘after school nanny’ position. This family had a baby on the way, a 1 year old and a 7 year old. I thought, I love caring for children so much, why not get paid for it! I turned up to the interview and had aced it! I am forever grateful for this family to have chosen me to be their nanny, as I was fresh out of high school and wasn't sure if parents would want a 19-year-old to look after their children. And so, my nanny journey started.
Since this family, I continued to nanny full time for a few families over the next 4 years. From newborns, twin newborns, 6-month-olds, toddlers to 8-year-olds. A moment that has stuck out to me, was when I was sole charge of twin newborns (my first set may I add). I was helping a mother with her babies. Her little boy was a colic baby, so he could be hard to settle and cry a lot – his poor mother would be so tired. So, most of my shifts I would spend in their nursery, rocking either twin from side to side, while the mother could sleep. And do you know what? That was very enjoyable for me! Even if the babies would cry the whole time, knowing that the mother of these twins could sleep for a few hours while I stayed with them and did some housework, it felt so rewarding and fulfilling to me. From meeting this family, I was then introduced to another family (through connections of theirs and a midwife), and I started to nanny for another family with twin newborns. I was finding infant care was my speciality, and I was being recommended to others! On top of this, I was giving advice to these first-time parents! That was pretty cool 😊
Whilst in my last year as a nanny, I picked up a diploma in marketing as I found I was ready to move on. I loved nannying, but after the second pair of twins were off to daycare, I found this was the right time for me to try something new.
So, now I find myself here! Marketing in the wonderful Mountain Buggy® / phil&teds® marketing&creative team as part of the social media world, also writing this blog with the goal of helping YOU with anything! Whether it be with advice, giving tips, telling my stories and talking about my experience with looking after babies and toddlers, I'm here! And remember, if you need any fashion and beauty tips, just ask! I’d love for you to stick around and stay tuned for stories that YOU want to read!
Sunday x
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