The Baby Boot Camp Crew provides us with some essential tips for getting back to fitness after giving birth.
The minute you find out you’re pregnant, your life changes forever and your body changes for what seems like forever! Never fear, sweet mom, you won't always be sleep deprived and milk-stained.
So how do you work out after baby? At your postpartum checkup, your doctor most likely said, "resume your normal activity" or "you're all set to go." Wait…WHAT?! All set to go...did you forget I just had a baby? Your body has been hyper-focused on growing your baby for 10 months, so remember to give yourself time to heal and fully recover.

Starting at 6-weeks postpartum (or 8-weeks postpartum if you’ve had a C-section) and after your doctor has cleared you for exercise, you can start working out. This is where a mom-and-baby stroller fitness program such as Baby Boot Camp comes in – where you’ll be spending 60 minutes with a group of moms that are or have been in your shoes.
As you get back to fitness, here are a few essential items that will help tremendously:
- Stroller. Choosing the right stroller is a must to ensure the smoothest ride possible for you and your baby while being active. A durable stroller that’s easy to maneuver such as Mountain Buggy’s terrain will enable you to go on and off road with maximum control and comfort.
- Shoes. Make sure you have a good pair of athletic shoes. Feet change quite a bit during pregnancy, so a proper fit is key. Head to your local running store for a custom fit.
- Sports Bra. We don't have to tell you how much this area has changed! If you're nursing, you'll want a supportive yet accessible style. This is another area that pays to be properly fitted. Your running store or a good lingerie shop should be able to help.
- Clothes. You are probably in transition right now. Maternity leggings are getting a little baggy, yet pre-baby leggings are still snug. A new transitional outfit could be just what you need to feel comfortable and to motivate you.
- Water and food. Hydrate properly to help keep from feeling sluggish, especially if you are breastfeeding. Make sure to eat breakfast to fuel your workout, as well as a day full of fruits, veggies, and legumes!
Aim to challenge yourself each time. Just getting out the door is a challenge in itself, so give yourself credit for each step you take towards your fitness journey – even if it’s a walk around the block! Most importantly, try to enjoy the journey!

Kristen Horler is CEO and founder of Baby Boot Camp , offering prenatal and postpartum fitness and nutrition program for women. With over 12 years of professional fitness experience, Kristen is a continuing education provider for the American Council on Exercise and author of Baby Boot Camp: The New Mom’s 9-Minute Fitness Solution (Sterling 2010). Baby Boot Camp offers stroller fitness franchises across the USA. Classes cater to moms of all fitness levels: pregnant moms, new moms, and moms with one or more stroller-aged children. The interval-based classes incorporate cardio, strength, and core for a total body workout.
Mountain Buggy terrain is the official single stroller alongside duet, our all-terrain side-by-side option for two. Mountain Buggy juno is the exclusive baby carrier used by Baby Boot Camp.
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